This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 56. View all gamesView submission

Ages-old (tiny) god creature’s life is not that easy…

Who said gods need to be huge ? This frog-like one have slept for too long and need to be awaken ! By pure luck, tiny elementals creatures have enter his body to help him, but they need guidance.

Try to wake up this old god by renewing the circle of elemental life inside his majestic body.

ps: You should read the instructions and read the tutorial first…


  • A/Q : Select rock elemental bait (repulse forest elementals)
  • Z/W : Select your water elemental bait (repulse rock elementals)
  • E : Select your forest elemental bait (repulse water elementals)
  • Left click: Use your selected bait (hold to see range of bait, release to bait/repulse)
  • Right click : Drag camera view
  • Scroll : Zoom (3 levels)


Elementals creatures run without supervision, they make their own decisions and go where they want. Try to bait or repulse them where you want to !

Three points of interest to notice :

  • Elemental’s Hive : Reproduction site, where elemental creatures come to life with the help of their tribe (Spawn new elemental at a given rate and given probability) !
  • Elemental’s Pool : Drain the energy of elemental creatures to awaken ancestral magic (Awaken the god and give you bonus) !
  • Elemental’s Tomb : Elemental come here at the end, given their life and give birth to new being (Spawn new elemental type)!

Use in-game information to awake completely your god !


Read this to know every information you can find by yourself playing the game

  • Rock Elemental’s Hive : Spawn rocky elemental at a given rate (even if no elemental are on it)
  • Water Elemental’s Hive : Spawn water elemental at a given rate if water elementals are on it (probability go higher with number of elemental on the Hive)
  • Forest Elemental’s Hive : Spawn forest elemental at a given rate if forest elementals are on it (probability go higher with number of elemental on the Hive)
  • Rock Magic Pool : Increase the transformation ratio of rock elementals to water elementals, Allow you to complete the Waking-up of the god
  • Water Magic Pool : Increase the transformation ratio of water elementals to forest elementals, Allow the god to breath
  • Forest Magic Pool : Increase all population limit of all elemental kind, allow the god to walk
  • Rock Tomb : Convert rock elementals to a water one with a given ratio
  • Water Tomb : Convert water elementals to a forest one with a given ratio
  • Forest Tomb : Convert forest elementals to a rock one with a given ratio

With enough elementals on each kind of pool, the god will be completely awaken !

GodAwakener - V1.1 :

  • Fixing typos
  • Tweaking volume to avoid ear bleeding
  • Minor tweaks and fixes

GodAwakener - V1.2 (2024/10/08 - 14:40)

  • Just fixing resolution settings so it can roll on LDJam website embedded
  • Repacking the app like said in the Embedding Guide… I should have RTFM in the first time… sorry :/

GodAwakener - V1.3 (2024/10/09 - 00:00)

  • Fixed a bug that was greatly unbalancing the game !!
  • Fixed a particle effect that was not appearing, confusing (even more) the player…
Published 2 days ago
TagsLudum Dare 56, Pixel Art
LinksLudum Dare


GodAwakener - V1.1 12 MB
GodAwakener - V1 12 MB


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GodAwakener - V1.1 is a web build, I can't run it locally.